Troy Dunmore

Home After 26 Years

In January 1995, Troy and a co-defendant robbed a Round Table Pizza restaurant. Troy and his co-defendant  made the victims more afraid by forcing them in the bathroom. He was subsequently convicted of second-degree robbery and false imprisonment, and sentenced to 65 years-to-life in state prison.

Troy was born in Guantanamo Bay, where his family was stationed due to military service. He was continuously displaced and exposed to substances throughout his childhood, which led down a path that culminated in his incarceration. Rather than give up all hope of leaving prison, Troy entered his current prison term determined to rehabilitate himself. 

He immediately got sober and has been since 1995, attending regular narcotics anonymous meetings. Troy also took full advantage of an array of programming such as reentry preparation, anger management, self-help groups, alternatives to violence, among many others. He prioritized his education with multiple courses, including college level courses in English, comparative religions, Spanish, American government, Shakespeare, vocational training courses, and computer literacy. 

In October 2021, District Attorney Summer Stephan recommended Troy for resentencing, and the court ordered his release. At  58 years old, Troy had served 26 years in prison and had 39-years-to-life remaining on his sentence. He is currently a recovery counselor in San Francisco, as well as attending Laney College. We are so thrilled to see him thrive. 

You can hear more about Troy’s story firsthand in For The People’s webinar

Firas Nasr

Hello My name is Firas and I am awesome


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