Joe Vejar

Home After 5 Years

In 2010, Joe was struggling to confront life’s challenges constructively. After serving time for a prior crime, Joe believed he had found his way and was prepared to put in the work and stay out of trouble. However, when his family found themselves in dire financial circumstances, Joe made a series of decisions that led to a conviction of one count each of active participation in a criminal street gang, and conspiracy to sell methamphetamine. It was also found true that the conspiracy to sell offense was committed for the benefit of a gang, and that he had two strike priors. Ultimately, Joe was convicted to a total term of 38 years-to-life.

Throughout his incarceration, Joe dedicated himself entirely to his own rehabilitation, striving to become a man that makes his family proud. He worked hard to better himself through rigorous self-improvement programming such as Criminal Gangs Anonymous. He also took the independent initiative to further his education, even obtaining his paralegal certificate while incarcerated. Today, Joe is a dedicated, hard-working husband and father devoted to his wife and children.

On October 21, 2021, at the recommendation of District Attorney Jeff Rosen, Joe was resentenced. At 46 years old, he served five years and had 33 years-to-life remaining on his sentence. Joe returned home to his supportive wife, Benee, and their three children, as well as a community dedicated to supporting his reintegration. Joe has already been offered jobs leading his community at Silicon Valley De-Bug, a position in which we are confident he will thrive.

Firas Nasr

Hello My name is Firas and I am awesome


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